Monday, October 29, 2007

We Didn't Close

Once again we didn't close.

Now it is some crap about tax records. We've been told we will definitely close on Wednesday. I'll believe it when it happens.

I'm trying to have a good attitude (it's not working). However, I feel like we are being jacked around by the people buying this house, and that is frustrating. This morning the story was that they were having a hard time scheduling their closing today (in VA we don't close together). Then, we finally got the truth - that they aren't ready to close.

I'd feel a lot different about this if they were even the slightest bit apologetic, but they aren't. We've put our life on hold for 11 days with crap everywhere in our house and now in my car and they can't even say, "Hey, we're really sorry we've inconvenienced you again." Argh!!

Okay, time for an attitude check.

Attitude has been checked and a paragraph erased. God is good.


Kathy Cassel said...

Sometimes a little bad attitude is justified : )

Major Mom said...

hee hee juli...You will get there. *patience is a virtue* that's what my grandma always says.

Anonymous said...

You have every right to be angry.
They should apologize. They are being very inconsiderate. Okay, now that I've done my venting. Guess I better get an attitude check too.

Love ya,

Juli said...

Thanks, everyone!

Natalie said...

What a bummer. I was thinking yesterday about how busy you probably were...and then...nope...
Well, we'll see what Wednesday holds!!!

Juli said...

Thanks, Natalie. Hopefully tomorrow will be busy!