Saturday, October 06, 2007

The Most Important Thing

The most important thing to me in the world is that I know Jesus. And not only that I know Him, but that I follow Him. It is in my choice to follow Jesus that I am promised eternal life in Heaven. If none of that makes sense to you, or if you want to talk more about this, please email me at

The most important thing to me as a Jesus follower is that I share Him with others. He's just to good to keep to myself. I must talk to other people about Him. I've been given an amazing gift and the great news is that it's available to us all.

Tomorrow morning me and Chuck and over 100 other people are sharing Jesus with the city of Chesapeake. We've worked over a year for this. We've prayed harder than we've ever prayed before. We've made sacrifices of time, energy, and money. We've had immense joy and we've cried hard.

Tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. we will share the hope of Jesus. We have prayed that people will come. We ask that you'd join us in prayer in these last 19 or so hours. Please pray that people will come tomorrow morning and that they will find hope; that they'll find a place with authentic people who really care; that they'll find Jesus, even if they didn't mean to. Please pray that everything will come together perfectly tomorrow morning for our services. We meet in a high school, so there is a great deal of set up involved. Please pray for good weather. Please pray for Chuck as he'll be on stage and has to remember to say A LOT of things. Please pray that all we do tomorrow is a reflection of Jesus to others and that we bring God glory. It is all for Him.

My heart beats hard as I type this. I am so excited and nervous all together. My eyes well up with tears as I think about people who could be impacted by our church. In all my life, I've never felt that what I was doing was more important than what we are doing tomorrow morning. Sure, I've shared Jesus before, but never in this way. New churches are far more effective at reaching lost people than churches that have been around for a while (just ask Barna), so we have a great advantage when it comes to impacting lives.

To God be the glory. I'll post tomorrow and let you know how it went.


Anonymous said...

I'm excited and nervous for you guys too. It's going to be awesome!! Update us right away!!!
My prayers are with you guys and the new campus.


Kathy Cassel said...

I'll be praying at that time.

Anonymous said...

You should be so proud of yourself, this is such a wonderful thing that you are a part of. I'm looking forward to reading your next post and hearing how things at the new campus went. You will be in my thoughts and prayers big time!

Love, Amanda

Anonymous said...

Praying!!! This is so cool and I cannot wait to see how God uses you!

Juli said...

Thank you, all, for your prayers!!

We have ironed clothing, a last minute DVD player for "just in case" and some Lysol air neutralizer for the auditorium of the high school. I've also packed my camera and my lint brush. What else do I need?? I have no idea!! I do know that I need to go to bed soon! I'll post as soon as I can tomorrow afternoon. ~Juli

Anonymous said...

Juli, once again I am so proud of Chuck and you that I want to cry. May God bless your every moment tomorrow. I will be praying for you.