Sunday, October 07, 2007

It Went Well!!

This is just a quick post as naptime is calling...

It went really well! We were set up with plenty of time to spare. The count I heard was that there was a total of 213 adults and kids. The people who were new were VERY excited to be there.

I spent the morning with toddlers, so I didn't get to see the service. I will get to watch a video tape of it, though. Chuck did great.

We are pooped and are taking a nap now. If I don't post more tonight, I definitely will in the morning.

Thank you for the prayers!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new church! Looking to hear more about it every week.

Kathy Cassel said...

Awesome. Sounds like everything went great.

Anonymous said...

ok....naps tell, tell, tell!
