Monday, July 16, 2007

One Way to Stay Busy

Chuck and I have been praying about moving to a nearby town for a number of months. The church campus that we are starting this fall is in that town, and we've just always felt that we'd better be able to minister to a community if we actually lived in it. Of course, we want to do what God wants us to do, so we've been waiting and praying.

We currently live in the least desirable city in our region. And we're okay with that. We like it here. The problem is that it isn't close to the areas that are important to us. The real estate market here is CRAZY, so buying a house is close to impossible when you are a single income family like ourselves. That is, of course, unless you are willing to live in the undesirable areas. So, we do just fine on Chuck's income living where we live. To move to the town where the church campus will meet is nearly impossible.

Last week, I realized that there is an undesirable part of that town. In fact, the city calls it by the name of another city; almost as though it's ashamed of it. It's kind of funny. I wish I could just name the cities, but since this blog is open to the public and I don't want to be stalked, I have to keep this kind of vague. Sorry! Anyway, I told Chuck about it on Saturday and we decided that we'd drive around that area after church. We were completely bummed as we drove around and found out that even the houses in the not-so-nice neighborhoods were going for a lot more than we want to pay.

I have a friend who works in the area and we stopped in to see her. She gave us some strict parameters of what neighborhoods are safe and which one's are not. So, we refined our search and just began driving up and down the roads. We didn't get too far before we found a house for sale by owner. We called on it to see what they were asking, and it was reasonable. So, we looked at it. And we REALLY like it. So now we are in the "Please, God, show us Your will in this" phase. So far He isn't saying no. Will you join us in prayer about this? The area is so stategically located to our region in general. It would put us A LOT closer to the new campus as well as the office Chuck works at.

This sure is one way to keep busy! Please, Lord, show us Your will!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you were thinking of moving, and will be praying that this is the answer.
PS: What is the house like?