Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I just have to say...

...THANK YOU for all the encouragement these last few weeks. So many of you have left comments of prayers being said, praise to our awesome God, and encouragement. You all rock.

I am not good at leaving comments on other peoples' blogs. I'm not a chatty gal in general, so I guess that gets extended to blog comments. So, if you are a reader and not a commenter, no worries. I totally understand!

I also just have to say that I have a whole lot of peace going on right now and I know that is coming from God - not me! Things are going from crazy to insane here at our house and God just keeps filling me with peace. For example: There are ground cookies in the rug in my living room that have been there since Wednesday. And I'm okay with the fact that I haven't gotten to it yet. Yes, I think it is gross and I'm thankful that no bugs have figured it out yet, but I just haven't been able to take care of it yet. Maybe today.

I actually went a number of hours yesterday without checking email. I had friends over, but they are the kind of friends I could check my email around. And I didn't even think to do it. That is God.

My mom is coming for a visit on Thursday and usually I would freakishly be cleaning and getting ready for that. But I'm not. And I don't know if I will. If you think to, please be praying for her tomorrow and Thursday as she travels. She's driving in from Michigan and is splitting the trip between two days. She has struggled with blood clots in the past, so please also pray that her legs do okay during the drive and that she remembers to stop often and walk. On a happy note, she is bringing Arabic food with her, which is my favorite and something I cannot find here in VA. She was up nearly all night on Sunday making grape leaves and she's bringing other yummies, too.

Okay, that turned into a much longer post than I intended. I mainly just wanted to say thank you for the prayers and encouragement.

1 comment:

Katy said...

I am praying too that your boys will be tucked into those beds very soon with hugs from mom and dad..looking forward to reading your news.