Saturday, September 15, 2007

Update on the Offer

Ed says it went well. I'm really impressed that he was able to walk in with our offer and keep them interested. Ed gets mad props for that. Yay for Ed!! The sellers want to think about it tonight and should have an answer tomorrow. As much as we want this house, we are asking for God's perfect plan. Plus, with all the other stresses in our life right now, it'd be nice to have a contract on a home. I realize moving is one of the most stressful things you can do, but we will feel better once we have a home under contract.

Your prayers tonight for God's perfect will to be done would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Your faith is amazing.

Anonymous said...

God's will be done.
You guys are in my prayers.

Love ya,

Kathy Cassel said...
