Saturday, September 15, 2007

Making an Offer

Well, we are getting to be pros at writing contracts on homes. We wrote our 3rd contract with Ed today. He's presenting it to the sellers tonight (like anytime now). If you could, please say a few prayers. The sellers don't really know what they are doing (I totally mean that in a nice way - they've lived there 27 years and are selling this home without an agent.) and Ed is going to try to negotiate our contract with them. If you could, please pray specifically for Ed. This is what he's good at, just pray that God gives him the right words and timing of those words. My biggest prayer is that they aren't offended by our offer and shut down immediately.

Another thing: The appraiser came today to appraise our home. Please pray that it appraises where it needs to. The appraiser told me they (whoever "they" are) want the appraisal by Tuesday, so I'm guessing we'll know by Tuesday if it appraised where it needs to.


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