Monday, September 01, 2008

One More Sleep...

In 5 hours and 10 minutes we will wake up to begin our day of getting our boys.

Wow. It is so completely surreal. We have been in Miami all day. Terri took Tristan for a few hours and let us catch some z's. Such a blessing!

She insists that we go to bed at 11 whether Tristan is sleeping or not. I will probably wake up to feed Tristan before we get up at 4 a.m. Then we will be off to Haiti.

It just wouldn't be our adoption if there wasn't a hurricane looming in the caribbean. Hurricane Hannah is between here and Port au Prince. Please pray with us that she doesn't delay our trip or our return.

And please keep the boys in prayer. It is going to be REALLY hard to not be able to pick them up and comfort them. I'm praying that God will show me how to bring them comfort while I'm not able to lift them. We are going to run into some situations where Chuck is going to have to carry them both at the same time (like going up the steps to board the plane), so please pray that his back can withstand that.

My next post should be one announcing our arrival! In the event we are delayed, I will try to get things posted here on the blog.

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