Tuesday, March 20, 2007

When the Boys Are Home...

Well, I've had a number of requests to post more often, and I've been hesitant to do so because I created this blog to be specific to our adoption. And unfortunately we don't get news as often as I'm asked to post. You truly don't want to hear the ramblings in my head on a daily basis. It's not pretty a lot of the time. :)

My guess is that the boys will be 19-20 months old when they come home, so I like to try to picture what that will be like in our home. I like to picture the three of us playing on the floor in the living room on a rainy day and going to City Park with the boy/girl twins down the street on nice days. I've never been to the Norfolk Zoo, but I'm sure we will go with the boys. I picture being with them in the toddler room at church and seeing them interact with other children their age. I picture snuggling them when they'll let me and kissing booboos and changing more diapers than one could possibly imagine. I picture working very hard to insure good bonding and attachment and doing whatever we need to do to encourage their attachment to us.

So often when I talk about this I get a wide eyed look with a knowing head shake and then something about how I have no idea what I'm getting into. As a 'not so encouraging all of the time' kind of person I easily recognize this as not so encouraging. Yes, I know it's going to be crazy around here with two babies. I'm not the first person to do this and I won't be the last. I'd prefer crazy with them home to crazy with them not home (which happens!) any day.

Okay, that's all for today!

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