Thursday, January 28, 2010

End of the Fast, New Fast

Well, it's nearly done, my fast that is.

Sunday night I ate in celebration of Chuck's birthday and Tuesday night I decided that homemade belgium waffles (just the waffle, no toppings) were "like bread, right?"

I have to say, I'll never fast for that long again and eat food while doing it. Not eating is much easier than eating. Tuesday night at dinner I almost quit. The sweet and sour shrimp was calling my name.

It made my heart smile today to hear that someone was pulled out of the rubble alive. Can you imagine 15 days buried beneath a fallen building... not knowing if you'll be found. Haitians are the strongest people I've ever met. I've read countless stories online... they are tough.

Tonight For His Glory Outreach has requested people to take tomorrow as a day of prayer and fasting for orphans in Haiti for today, January 28th. The letter from Kim Harmon (their president) is at the bottom of the page dated January 27th. The orphans in Haiti in particular need prayer. The Haitian government has decided not to allow any more orphans to go to their US families until they can come up with a new system to review their departures.

Haiti pre-earthquake was never quick about putting a system in place. I can't imagine this coming together quickly without God's intervention.

Since I've spent the last 8 days fasting, I will not be fasting from food tomorrow. Instead I will do an internet fast. Please join me in praying for the situation with orphans in Haiti. I have friends who are still waiting for their kids to come home. Can you even imagine waiting 15 days for your child to come home after being in a devastating earthquake?? Most of these families have visited their kids multiple times. I'm so thankful our boys are home. I don't think I could handle that.

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