Thursday, May 15, 2008

Two Years Ago Today

Two years ago today Chuck and I celebrated the arrival of our dossier (adoption paperwork) in Haiti. The timeline then was 8-15 months. We naively hoped for Christmas.

It had taken us 6 months to compile the dossier and we had committed to the boys in January, 4 months earlier. In case you're not into math, we started our paperwork 30 months ago, committed to the boys 28 months ago, and sent our dossier to Haiti 24 months ago.

My, oh my, what a long time ago that all was.

From my estimation, our best case scenario (unless, of course, God does something miraculous) is mid-August. I've gotten to the point that when people ask how much longer I don't even give them best case/worst case scenarios anymore.

Rather depressing, isn't it?


Chapter Two said...

I'm not sure how I found your blog, but I check in here occasionally and don't want to be blog-stalker. I'm manmi to 3 from Haiti (home since November). This post gave me some familiar twangs of heartache and I just wanted to tell you, if nothing better I can give, that I understand and I so wish you didn't have to go through so much waiting. We started our dossier prep in Dec '04--our kids came home in Nov '07. So we went 35 months from start, 30 months after committing to our three on paper and in our hearts), and our dossier was in Haiti for 27 months. It pains me that I keep reading of waits as long or nearing the length of ours. I pray for you when I visit your blog. I hope I can encourage you.
Chapter2 manmi

Chapter Two said...

With all that I forgot to say: your boys are cuties! Hurray for keeping siblings together!

Salzwedel Family said...

Praying it is soon. I'm sorry this hurts so much.

Kathy Cassel said...

I hear you. It took forever for me to get our dossier authenticated and legalized. Next week is our one year anniv. for our dossier being in Haiti and we are still in IBESR. Hard to believe it was barely six months for our first Haitian adoption.

I hope your boys are home very soon.