Saturday, May 17, 2008

Expired Puffs

When I was in Haiti last August a nightmare came true. My luggage didn't make it. I arrived on Monday and my luggage arrived late Thursday. I went home Friday. I truly learned how God provides on that trip! People were so generous.

Well, on Thursday night when I got my luggage I began distributing diapers and wipes and food items that I had brought for the boys, but didn't get to use. Among those items was a container of strawberry apple puffs. If you have toddlers, you probably know what I'm talking about. If not, it's a toddler food put out by Gerber. My boys love them.

Well, that night I was able to give everything away but the puffs. No one wanted them. As I sat at the dinner table with our group, I looked at the expiration date and exclaimed that surely our boys would be home before April 30, 2008 to eat them. The strangest thing happened then. The director of the orphanage heard what I said, looked at me, but made no comment. It struck me as odd then and I wonder now; did she know? Did she know they wouldn't come home by that date? I don't know. I certainly never imagined that my boys would still be in Haiti 9 months later. At that time we were supposedly awaiting judgment, but the following month we learned that we had never exited Parquet as we'd been told months earlier.

As I got ready to toss these puffs in the trash (as I've done with lots of other food) I remembered how certain I was that my boys would be home to eat them and they are not. Sometimes I just can't fathom that this is reality.

As I spent time quietly with God today I was reminded that my eyes need to stay focused on Him. It is easy for my eyes to wander toward the evil that surrounds this adoption. I sometimes stare it in the face and wonder how it is so. I become obsessed by it with such a strong desire to set right the wrongs. But the Lord has quietly shown me that it is His job to bring justice. And He will. We all have to account for our sins. Judgment day is real. I will have to face the Lord for the things I've done and so will those who have had a hand in the evil surrounding our adoption, whoever they are. God has allowed it, but He will deliver justice. So, tonight I choose to keep my eyes focused on Him. I will throw away the puffs and with it my anger and desire to focus on the evil.


Salzwedel Family said...

I'm so sorry for the pain you are experiencing. Keeping your eyes on Him is the right thing to do. Praying here...

Major Mom said...

I am so sorry. GOd is bigger than this and HE will deliver on His promise to you.

Chapter Two said...

I'm so sorry. I just sold many brand new summer-weight clothing items that were purchased last Spring for my kids when I was so sure they'd be home by summer. I had waited months & months (a year or more actually) to go shopping as I wanted to get the right sizes. I was so sure there was no way we would miss the summer together. I finally wouldn't buy a thing. When they did come home in November, I was in a scramble to get winter-weight clothing.
All of which to say, I'm so sorry and I do feel the pain like it was yesterday. How could you expect this many long months more? I sure didn't.
Know I'm praying for you and your family! And I pray God will redeem these many long months He is asking you to wait to start your family together.

Kathy Cassel said...

All the clothes I bought for the last trip--several outfits I didn't even use--are all way too small now.

I sent puffs in our Christmas package.

After reading this months update about Kaleb, I really want to get him home. It sounds like he has both physical and emotional needs better met in a home environment.

I hope your wait is almost over.

Michelle said...

I hope your precious little ones come home soon. I know how hard it is to wait. Our family is in waiting for Guatemala to open back up so we can proceed with bringing home our baby girl. I have to use a lot of Puffs....the tissue kind through all of this.


junglemama said...

I am so sorry for all that you are going through. Waiting for our children to come home is downright painful..... but we need to stay focused on God. You have a great attitude and God will bless you and your boys waiting for you in Haiti.

Laura Lu said...

my heart sunk reading this. i'm so sorry for everything that surrounds you in this adoption.

hugs from someone who gets the anger associated in this.

Juli said...

Thank you all for your encouragement. Yes, the wait is hard, but it's harder when my focus is off of God. I'm glad I know that now.

Anonymous said...

heart wrenching. I am so sorry.

Amy said...

Thanks for the reminder in the last paragraph of this post. I struggle with the same things in waiting for our son to come home from Haiti. Good words, thanks for sharing.