Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Mother's Love...

Mother's Day 2005 was hard for me because I had miscarried a month before.
Mother's Day 2006 was hard because we had committed to Noah and Samuel.
Mother's Day 2007 was rough because I never imagined my boys wouldn't be home by then.
As Mother's Day 2008 approaches, my thoughts swirl. This is what a mother's love is according to me, a mom whose waited far too long.

A Mother's Love...
...prays for her kids in an orphanage
...prays for her arms to supernaturally hold her kids and that they'd feel it
...prays for God to whisper her voice in their ears
...prays for overworked and underpaid nannies to meet the needs of her boys
...smiles wide when thinking of her boys
...tears up just thinking of the day they come home
...asks tough questions
...keeps important paperwork up to date
...spends a day tracking down her home study provider
...empties the closet of clothing the boys have outgrown (repeatedly)
...makes the beds, even though she knows they will get dusty and need to be redone
...buys food on sale and then gives it away when it is close to expiring
...buys diapers and gives them away when they are outgrown
...devotes a cupboard to kids dishes that go unused
...continues to encourage friends and family when they are discouraged about the adoption
...quietly listens when some friends and family give up on the kids ever coming home
...prays in the middle of the night when she can't sleep and wonders if her boys are okay
...seeks out the best doctors for her kids
...reads book after book and attends seminar after seminar
...sometimes needs to stay in bed for the day instead of face the world
...calls the National Visa Center and the USCIS in Haiti repeatedly trying to confirm receipt of fingerprints
...washes, folds, and hangs new clothing, praying that they won't be outgrown before they are worn
...checks email diligently
...reads blogs of other adoptive families
...learns to seek the Lord like never before

It's my hope that some of these things will be a distant memory next Mother's Day. And I hope some will be even stronger.

I pray that tomorrow will be a day that I'll glorify God in the wait.


Major Mom said...

Next year has to be your is to 2009!

Kathy Cassel said...

I pray your wait isn't much longer.

Some days I think I will never be out of ibesr much less have the twins come home.

Anonymous said...

Hope your 2008 Mother's Day is one filled with hopefulness and joy in knowing God has the perfect plan for the day Samuel and Noah arrive.
I will celebrate Mother's Day thanking God for giving me such wonderful, special children and Christi. I am so very proud of my babies.

Is Eight Enough? said...


You inspire me with your faith. I will be praying that your sweet baby boys are in your arms before too long!

Blessings, Justine
(adopting two little girls from Ethiopia)

Renee said...

oh Julie,
I love you! My heart breaks for you and your wait...praying it won't be much longer.
love you,

Salzwedel Family said...

Praying for you & that your boys will be home soon.

Salzwedel Family said...

Praying for you & that your boys will be home soon.

Mary said...

Perfectly said!! I was in tears after the first line. I love the bond between adoptive parents that most people don't understand. Thanks for sharing!

Katy said...

Praying for you and every waiting family and child this year..thank you for your words of hope.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you yesterday. I bet you will have an awesome Mother's Day next year!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh this just breaks my heart. You are going to be and already are such an amazing Mom.