Monday, November 05, 2007

Still Unpacking...

Just an update - we're still unpacking. Our friends Dana and Samantha came over yesterday and were such a huge help in getting our kitchen unpacked. Thank you so much, Dana and Samantha!!! You two rock!! They also helped us build our dining room set and a plastic cupboard for the garage.

The boxes are slowly dwindling away. Our room is pretty much unpacked. I just unpacked the linen closet. We need to build a new shelf unit before the office can be completed. There's a lot of miscellaneous stuff that I'm not sure where to put. We are also new to the whole garage thing, so there are many items that will go in there. Right now the garage is a wreck with one narrow path.

Tomorrow night we are having our Gel Group (small group) meet here, so progress is necessary. I'm hoping to even have pictures hanging on the walls by then. We'll see.

My sister keeps begging for pictures. The camera has been located, however I can't take pictures yet. I'm a little too vain to post pictures of my house in this condition on the internet. Soon, Christi, soon.

Oh yeah, one more thing - we have a home phone number again. If you want it, please email me at We'd prefer to get more calls on the home phone since we've gone over in cell phone minutes two months in a row.

That's all for now. The boxes are calling.


Kathy Cassel said...

What an exciting time, setting up in a new house. There's always something kind of special about it.

Natalie said...

You're hosting a small group already? Man you guys are brave!

Lisa said...

Wow - very impressive having non-moving-help company only 4 days after moving. And you're going to have things on the wall already?! I'm jealous. We moved over a year ago, and I'm still trying to figure that stuff out. Little by little we'll get there...