Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Christmas Presents

The boys will be in Haiti for Christmas again. It breaks my heart, but there's not anything I can do about it.
Our orphanage gives us a list of specific items to purchase for our kids for Christmas. This year, as toddlers, they will receive:
An Outfit
Underwear (no, they are not yet potty trained)
Beach Ball (they love them)
Construction Vehicle (soft and makes noise)
Also pictured are engravable ornaments that will not be sent to Haiti. This is a tradition we began last year for the boys.
I sent our gifts today to someone who will be traveling to Haiti soon. We will probably get pictures of the kids with their gifts at Christmas.
I'm not at all ready for Christmas. It was just 100 degrees. How on earth is it already time for Christmas??


Terry said...

We sent off our "generic" package too. Don't get me wrong, I feel blessed to send a package that will be useful. I'm praying you will hear something...I'm really praying that you will have Christmas News! I happened to notice that the Rudolf ornament is the very same engraved ornament I bought my oldest son 20 years ago. Oh how time flys!

Kathy Cassel said...

I didn't think to send a beach ball. That would have smooshed down enough to fit. My toys were a little bigger (I took them out of the box to fit) and I put one of those toddler cans of star snacks in both bags--I used 2 gallon bags : )