Tuesday, November 06, 2007


We are getting there. All the kitchen, living room, and office boxes are officially unpacked. Not everything is where it should be since I'm not sure where to put everything. The boys' room hasn't been touched yet and there are a lot of furniture boxes that I'm banishing to the screened porch to be broken down on a later date. We aren't using the attic here since we have so much storage space in the garage and shed, however the shed needs a new roof before we put stuff in there. That means the garage will remain overcrowded until that project is completed.

There will be no pictures hanging on the walls tonight unless Chuck does it. He is our interior designer and he's not sure where he wants things.

I'll leave you with a funny story. First of all I need to confess that I've watched Saw 1,2, & 3 all within the last 2 weeks. I'm not into gore and horror, but I was told there are some good twists in these movies and I'm a sucker for a good twist. I'm here to tell you that the twists aren't worth the gore at all. Those movies are awful. Anyway, I'm digressing. I've told you about the Saw movies so you'll understand that I'm a little on edge. I'm not a scardey cat usually, but lately I'm just on edge. Well, we are new to the garage thing. We've never had one before and ours is attached. Yesterday I left the house for about 3 hours and totally forgot to close the garage door. I realized it halfway into my trip out, and I was quite a ways from home by then. More than anything I was afraid someone was going to steal the riding lawnmower in the garage. When I got home and saw that everything was in the garage as it should be, I realized that someone could be waiting in my house with some crazy gadget and a test (you'll need to see a Saw movie to understand that) for me. So, I did the smart thing and entered the house and grabbed the biggest kitchen knife we have and did a thorough check of the house. I felt a little silly after the fact. So, the big lesson learned: Close the garage door!


Anonymous said...

Hehehe! I can just picture you traipsing through the house with knife in hand. Too funny!!!


Lisa said...

oh wow - yes, I have to admit I am paranoid about leaving the garage door open as well. this morning I got Kaylen in the van and then myself, and I couldn't remember opening the garage door (and it was open) - so I think I may have left it open when I came home from my walk last night. So as late as I was already running (as usual), I had to get out and check that the tools were still all in the garage. Then I checked my purse and went back inside to check if the laptop was still on the coffee table. All still there, luckily. Tonight I made sure twice!

Natalie said...

I haven't seen the Saw movies, but I am kind of a scaredy cat anyway. I wake Michael up at least once a week to chase of the intruders that I KNOW are in my house. It's weird how they always take the shape of one of our dogs or cats when he gets up! I just don't understand it!!!!

Anonymous said...

What's funny is that you watched all three before deciding they were awful. Like, "Well, that part one was horrible, but maybe things really turn around in two and three!" Hee!