Monday, November 26, 2007


Dumbfounded is a good word for how I feel about our adoption lately.

It is completely unbelievable to me that it is November 26th, 2007 and our boys are still not home. It shocks me and angers me. Never in a million years did I think we'd wait this long for our boys to come home.

Few things in life have been this utterly shocking to me. About the only thing that I can compare it to is how I felt for months after miscarrying. I just could not believe that had happened to me. Sure, I had been through it. I remembered the ultrasound, the doctor's words, the surgery, but how on earth did that happen to me??

Well, that's how I feel about this long wait. Yeah, I've been waiting all this time, but suddenly I'm just completely flabbergasted that this is my reality. Like, how did this sneak up on me? I feel almost like I've been assaulted. It is surreal, yet it is the truth. We will spend another Christmas without them. We missed their birthday. They are two and we have lost those first two years that are so essential when it comes to bonding and attachment. It makes me so mad.

I truly believe that if it weren't for my relationship with God that I would have lost it a long time ago. People tell me all the time how patient I am. Well, it's forced patience. What else can I do besides wait? I try to keep a good attitude because that is what God would have me do in this. But some days just stink.

Yes, I would do this all over again, in case you are wondering. It has been hard, but it has also been filled with joy and excitement. It's been a path of getting to know God more deeply and seeing Him provide for our needs in truly miraculous ways. It's been more good than bad.

But I'm still dumbfounded.


Kathy Cassel said...

It's tough. And it's hard to see people bring home adopted children in just a few months' time. Sometimes I think that if I'd adopted through Africa my kids would be home, but by adopting through Haiti it could be months and months and months more. But the thing is, I know those are my twins sitting in the toddler room in Port au Prince (probably playing with your twins!) I guess that's why we all stay hopeful. Those are our children.

Anonymous said...

I am dumbfounded as well. Truly. It makes no sense why they are not home.

Anonymous said...

Dear Juli,
Like a mother lion naturally protecting her cubs, I want to mutilate and maul all the irresponsible forces that have hurt you and kept my grandchildren in a place where they don't have the love and care that you could provide. I want to rip them to shreds with pure relish, and as you are aware, I am fully capable. The only thing that has stopped me is my abiding faith in God, and my love and respect for you.
I promise you that I will pray harder, fast more, and believe..
My heart breaks for you and for my only grandchildren, Samuel and Noah.

Anonymous said...

Do not be discouraged. Isn't that somewhere in a really good book I know?

Juli said...

Who are you, anonymous?

Anonymous said...

I think discouragement comes with the territory.

Renee said...

I completely understand, my heart aches for you. I am not just saying that either. I love and respect you and so want your boys home. It makes no sense to me either. Hang in there. love you lots!

Heather said...

Praying. I am so sorry you have had to wait so long.


Anonymous said...

I am anonymous...I hit the button too quick...


Anonymous said...

It is crazy but you're still hanging in there and growing closer to God all the while.

Once the boys get here, you will soon forget how painful all the waiting has been.

Keeping you in my prayers.


junglemama said...

Sorry your boys are not home with you yet. It makes zero sense.