Thursday, May 03, 2007

Twin Girls Update

The twins from the last post have really made a huge impression on me. I emailed the nurse for an update on them, but then found an update on another blog (a family doing mission work in Haiti). I learned the following by reading a post from April 19th:

These twins were born about twelve days ago. They were brought here by two of their aunts. Their mother was sick during the pregnancy and too weak to come down from their home in the mountains. Someone was supposed to bring her down on horseback today to find help and go to a medical clinic. According to the family, they don't think she will live. The twins are named Micailine and Micailda.

There was a new post on their blog today:

The twins were here yesterday. They were in a hospital for 11 days. They do not weigh any more than the first time Troy saw them. I am concerned, I don't see how they can make it without round the clock professional care. Troy did what he could, but we're discouraged that the hospital did not keep them longer. The family keeps telling us the mom is not all there (mentally ill) and that they plan to raise the twins. They don't seem to get how fragile the situation is. They came without any bottles and were unprepared to deal with the babies when they started crying. I have no idea how to convince them that if they want these babies to live they need to take it all more seriously. Keep these tiny little girls in your prayers.

These two little girls just break my heart. I'm sure it is because we are adopting twins. I was just telling someone recently how God breaks peoples' hearts over different things. He has definitely broken my heart over starving babies in Haiti. I just find it so hard to believe that I can live in this country of plenty, dieting because I get too much to eat, and these babies and millions more around the world die each year from starvation. It makes no sense to me.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We've had no new news to share about the adoption. We do, however, arrive in Haiti in 24 days. It's just about time to bust out the suitcases!


Anonymous said...

Hi Juli, It's Terry. I'm assuming the Blog is the Livesays blog. I co-moderate a special needs adoption China yahoo group with Brenda, who knows the Livesays personally. She's been to Haiti with them and plans on another trip in August. We were talking about the twins just last week. So sad.

Lori and Jeremy West said...

I can't believe it. I too have a lump in my throat. God must have some awesome plans for those girls as I am even amazed that they could still be alive at 3 pounds each and so malnurished!! I'll be praying for them!

Lori :)