Monday, May 21, 2007


Well, I went back to the Dr. yesterday because I was on my last antibiotic pill and I was concerned my infection in my thumb wasn't gone. The Dr. looked at the wound and said it looked really good. She had it x-rayed and did bloodwork (I think just to reassure me). My bloodwork came back fine and the x-ray showed no foreign bodies or inflamed joints. So, I will continue with Neosporin twice a day and pray for it to heal up by Sunday. She even told me to have fun in Haiti, so in case you're wondering, I DO have the Dr.'s blessing to go. Oh, yeah, and she didn't yell at me for my self surgery.

I will be bagging up formula from the formula drive and should have a total of how much was collected by Thursday at the latest.

Our first mission group flies into Haiti this afternoon! There are 9 adults and 10 kids traveling today. If you are reading this on Monday, please say a quick prayer for them - especially for safety. At least one of the adults is terrified of flying, so please say a special prayer for her. Thanks!

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