Thursday, May 31, 2007

Quick Update

Sorry it's been a few days since we've posted, but two babies make it hard to get online! We only get internet in the restaurant of the hotel and two babies in a restaurant equals lots of work. We left them in the orphanage tonight because I may have strep throat and we want to give the antibiotics a chance to get working before bringing them back to the hotel.

We have not gone to the Embassy yet to file our paperwork. There was a change in plans the day we were to go and I'm not sure what day we will go.

I need to ask for prayer and I can't give a lot of details because this blog is open to the public. We are safe, but I need you to pray for safety for our team. We believe strongly in spiritual warfare, and I guess we are doing some good work for God down here because there's been a lot of spiritual attack. I repeat - we are safe, so please don't worry about us. Please pray, especially for a man named Pierre. God knows his situation, so please lift him up to the Lord. We'll post again when we can.

Lots of love, Chuck and Juli


Crazy Janie said...

Got your Meiming post and we are praying!! I don't know how you are keeping so calm...

We're praying, praying, praying!!!

Love, Janie

suzy said...

Hey Chuck & Juli,
Chuck, you know how my link works with you? Well it has been screaming at me! I have been checking your site about every 20 minutes climbing the walls, and we have all been in heavy-duty prayer for you guys and your group! Please, take EXTRA care, we love you SO MUCH! I know you don't want to leave your precious baby boys, (It sure would be a cool blessing if you got to take them home with you now) but we can hardly wait to hear from you guys when you are safe and sound back home. God bless you all, you both have such great big hearts. We love you,

Mom & Dad C.
P.S. Jibbly nip nap.

Petrin Family said...

Hey Cason Family,

We are lifting you guys up and are really interceding for the whole team. The boys are so big, they will probably be taller than Juli by is so good to see you all together. Won't be long now.

Much love & prayer

Anonymous said...

Hey Chuck and Jules,

Like everyone else,have been praying, praying, praying!
We all understand it is difficult to post, but are starved for more news and maybe a pic too if you can find any time. :)
Whenever I look at that picture of your family, my face explodes into an ear to ear grin. It makes me want to go on a major shopping binge to buy toys. (You know your mom!)
Hoping to hear some good news soon.
All my love,