Wednesday, February 18, 2009


In just the last few weeks, it seems, the twins have really begun to grasp the English language. I would read on the blogs of others about how quickly their kids picked up English and I'd wonder if something was wrong. For nearly five months the boys didn't speak much English at all. They spoke mainly Creole to each other. While they understood everything we said in English, it just seemed like they were never going to speak it.

That has all changed.

Everyday I hear something new. Not only are they saying new words, but they are forming sentences correctly and using proper pronouns, etc.

Just a few minutes ago Noah was whining because his favorite toy rolled under the playpen. He wanted me to get it, but he hadn't tried to get it himself. After he tried I asked Samuel if he would help Noah. Samuel abosolutely loves to help out like that. He got down on the floor and exclaimed, "I see it!"

Yesterday the boys wanted dinner, but we weren't going to be eating anytime soon. When they asked about dinner I told them, "Not yet" to which they replied, "Soon?" And I said, "No, not soon." Then Noah said, "A while?" It's these little things that just completely catch me off guard and help me to realize that they are learning.

On Friday I asked Noah, "Do you like it?" He replied, "I like it." It is such progress from the standard "yes" or "no."

Another thing that I heard recently had to do with the cat. The twins like to yell at, chase, and in general terrorize the cats. It is all based out of their own fear of them and they never touch them. I saw Noah chasing Sabrina down the hall and I said, "Noah!" He replied, "Sabrina my friend?" Chuck has been teaching the boys that the cats are our friends, that we love them, etc.

Chuck has also taught the boys that in response to "What's up?" they should respond with, "Yo mama." It is hilarious. Noah said it to someone at church and the guy turned to me and said, "Did he just say what I think he said?" To which I responded, "Yes, Chuck is teaching them the important stuff."

A word that is getting all sorts of new use is NO. "No sleep." "No diaper." "No eat." "No bath." Along with the recent language acquisition has come a new level of autonomy. This has meant more whining, fussing, and temper tantrums. Good times. The good news in this is that they aren't afraid to tell us what they want (or don't want!) and need. Children with attachment difficulties can have a hard time sharing their wants and needs. Noah and Samuel have no problem letting us know when they want to eat or need some water, when they want to watch a movie or play with a particular toy or listen to music.

I've just been so amazed with their language lately and I'm so thankful we are able to communicate better.

1 comment:

kayder1996 said...

Yo mama! What a hoot! Mama jokes used to be the main insult at our house but then my mother in law passed away and that took all the zip out of that. Still though, there is an occasional "yo mama" uttered.

I think the language thing has to come on a spectrum. It's kind of weird because you find all these lists for how many words a "normal" American toddler should be using but no one has done any research on kids who are learning English. While not really worried, I had hoped Kenson would be saying more in English by now. He doesn't say anything in English other than Mama, Papa, no, hello and by by. (And all of those are really things you can say in Creole too so...) He repeats things often but after the initial experiene with whatever word we're telling him, he doesn't seem to remember it or so I thought. His first stringing together of English words came Monday night as we were eating supper without Derek. "Papa back" Anyway, like I said, I'm not really worried but somehow in the back of my head, I had thought that he would have picked up a bit more. Your boys also have each other to speak Creole too which in some ways might slow down their English. I'm just basing that on our school district where we have a lot of kids learning English. Those who hang out with friends who consistenly speak their first language learn English at a much slower rate than those who hang out friends who speak English often. (And for two days in a row, I have now posted a lengthy comment that is way too long for blog commenting. Oh well! Yo mama!)