Sunday, February 07, 2010

5 Slim

Friday morning Noah came downstairs with naked ankles. It seems he had a growthspurt overnight! We went to the store and bought him 5 slim jeans.

I can't believe my just-recently-turned-4 year old (Nov) is already in size 5 pants. Shirts, too. These are some tall little boys! We need the 5 tops for length in the arms and belly. 4's just aren't long enough for them.

I recently received the boys' medical records in the mail and I was able to see just how much they've grown. Samuel was one ounce shy of 27 lbs when he came home from Haiti and Noah was 29 1/2 lbs. At their four year old check up (14 months after coming home) Noah was 41.5 lbs and Samuel was 40.5 lbs. And they both grew SIX inches in that time. Insane. Just insane.


kb said...

Wow! Makes me a little nervous about Jenae... she is eating like a horse! I think our 9 year old daughter will be wearing HER hand-me-downs pretty soon!

kayder1996 said...

Oh I hear your pain. Kenson grew six inches in 8 months. And I can't keep in him in pants. He needs a size 4 at least and sometimes those look like he will only be able to wear them for a couple of weeks. The 4T coat we bought is getting too small too. He is 6 inches taller than Conleigh but only 6 months older.

Anonymous said...

Now his old pants can be capris. Perfect!

Anonymous said...

better yet, cut them off and make them shorts!


Rose Anne said...

What are you feeding them? LOL!
Saul will be 9 in 2 more months and he is only 53 lbs. although he is almost 4'5".
do they have a Savers store in Vegas?
What ever you are doing keep it up...
God Bless,
Rose Anne