Friday, April 17, 2009


Up until today (and with the exception of trying rice cereal a handful of times), Tristan has been exclusively breastfed. I was really looking forward to introducing baby food, but when we went to the doctor at 4 months, he told me to wait until 6 months. At 6 months we tried out rice cereal the week leading up to the 6 month appointment. The doctor suggested not adding solids to Tristan's diet just yet because he doesn't need them. He is thriving. So, we decided to do just that. I realize that there are many opinions/ideas/schools of thought on this. Please trust that this wasn't a flippant decision on our part. We did our homework and have decided that this works for us. (That's my nice way of asking for no comments on this subject, thanks.)

However, we've been wondering if he might like to try the baby puffs. Keeping him happy while we eat dinner (he sits in his high chair and throws toys on the floor) has not been easy and we decided to give him some puffs while we eat.

I was really excited. What would he do? Would the puff really melt in his mouth? Would he like them?

So, we sat down for dinner tonight and put a puff on Tristan's tray. He of course picked it up and shoved it in his mouth because he does that with everything. ;)

And then he spit it out.

He did this over and over again. But, he did enjoy playing with them and they did keep him quiet while we ate, so I guess they were good for something.

The puffs were banana flavored. Chuck hates bananas. He's very proud that Tristan apparently hates bananas too. Lovely.

And after dinner Noah the scavenger ate the puffs that Tristan dropped on the floor. Super lovely.

The whole deal was rather anticlimactic. Maybe a different flavor will do the trick.


Kathy Cassel said...

Funny. You never know. I didn't like bananas as a child but do now.

Amanda said...

I love the puffs! I think they are pretty yummy!

Jodie said...

It may be a texture issue as much as a flavor issue.