Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tristan Rolled Over...

...and we missed it! :(

Last night I was cooking food to bring to our Bible Study group. Chuck was sitting with the boys at the dining room table and Tristan was on a blanket in the living room on his back (within eyeshot of Chuck at the table).

I came out to the living room and noticed Tristan was on his belly - and he wasn't screaming. Tristan hates hates hates tummy time. So I said to Chuck, "Oh, you're doing tummy time with Tristan and he's not hating it." To which Chuck replied, "What are you talking about?" That's when we realized that Tristan rolled over on his own. Go Tristan!

In other news, Samuel is sick. He's running a temperature of 103 and is laying on the couch as I type. That is not normal Samuel behavior at all. If either kid is going to lay down for a few minutes, it's Noah. So, we are waiting for the doctor's office to open so we can get him an appointment. Poor guy.

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